Below are the Terms & Conditions of the hire

  1. The hirer is responsible for the Village Hall and its equipment during the period of hire and is expected to take due care of it.  You are advised to check on arrival and report any shortcomings, damage or missing items immediately to a village hall representative.
  • Under 18s cannot book the hall and are not to be left unattended in the village hall.
  • Hirers are not permitted to sell alcohol in the village hall without speaking to a committee member. 
  • The hirer undertakes to report and pay for any damage caused to the village hall or its equipment; this includes any lost, damaged or stolen items during the time of usage.  Unsuitable substitutes are not acceptable. 
  • There is a box in the porch that contains:
  • Users’ folder
  • First Aid box
  • Comments book

                 Please familiarise yourself with the Users Folder and its contents.

  • The hirer is required to leave the village hall, its equipment, utensils etc as found in a clean and hygienic condition.  Non-fulfilment of this condition will result in an extra charge being made for cleaning.
  • Are you intending to use the cooking facilities? Select Yes or No on the Form Below
  • Before you leave please ensure that:
  • All lights and overhead heaters are switched off.
    1. The fridge/freezer is switched off and the door left open.
    1. The windows are secured.
    1. Rubbish from the waste bins is removed. All refuse must be taken away and disposed of by the hirer.
    1. Electric cooker is switched off.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the building at any time.
  1.   We provide a first aid box for your use if needed. Please make a note of any accidents in the accident book you will find in the box, and any first aid equipment that has been used.
  1.   If a hirer has vulnerable users, please ensure that they read and comply with the village hall vulnerable users guide.
  1.   Please note that you will have to supply your own tea towels.
  1. Insurance considerations:
  1. The Postbridge village hall insurance policy provides you with public liability cover provided you are a non-profit making organisation.  Hazardous activities are excluded from our cover so please contact a representative of the village hall to check what is acceptable if unclear about your activities.
  • Damage to third party property damage under this policy is subject to an excess of £250.00 (a copy of which can be requested and will give details of the terms and conditions).
  • If you are hiring the hall for use that will create a profit for the hirer/or its agents it is expected that you have adequate insurance cover. If in doubt please contact a village hall representative.

Please keep a copy of this agreement of hire for possible future reference. 

Please sign, date and return a copy of this form, or a confirmation email that you agree to these terms and conditions to

Please note that hire cannot commence unless this form has been returned and we have received your payment, prior to your event.

The Postbridge village hall committee wishes you an enjoyable event at the village hall and we hope you will consider booking again for future events.  

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